Monday, July 28, 2008

Practical Tips For Great Sleep

Practical Tips For Great Sleep-

1. The bedroom should be used for 2 things- Sleep and Sex. Not for paying your bills, using it as your office, or despairing over the exercise equiptment you aren't using. If you can't sleep, have sex- at least you will be enjoying yourself.
2. The 2 things that induce sleep are- temperature and light. The cooler the room, the darker the room, the better. Most experts say the ideal room temperature is between 65 and 70 F. It's your body temperature dropping, that signals you to sleep. Use rooming darkening shades or eye masks to keep the light out.
3. Establish a nighttime routine- it is the rituals we have before we go to bed, that cue our bodies response to ready itself for sleep. Examples are checking the locks, brushing our teeth, washing our face, saying our prayers, meditation or quietly reading.
4. Avoid Caffeine, (including chocolate!) Nicotine and Alcohol 4-6 hours before bedtime. Alcohol may initially relax you, but causes fragmented sleep as it wears off. It can also worsen sleep apnea and snoring.
5. Don't go to bed hungry- eat a light snack a few hours before betime. An empty stomach can interfer with sleep as much as a full one. Try a glass of milk (yes, it works!) a small banana or some turkey an hour before sleep. Turkey contains tryptophan, an amino acid that converts to serotonin, which promotes sleep. Milk also contains tryptophan as well as magnesium, which is a muscle relaxant.
6. Exercise Regularly- even 20 minutes a day, 3 times a week can help. Traditonal advise is not to exercise 6-8 hours before bedtime because of the rise in body temperature (remember, it's the drop in our body temperature that induces sleep) but this advice is not always practical. Realistically, try to make it at least 3 hours before bed.
7. Keep a good Sleep Environment- Is the room quiet? Use a white noise machine, earplugs, or play a cd of your favorite music. Is the bed comfortable? Sometimes it's the obvious that escapes us. Does the mattress support you and is comfortable? How old are your pillows?

8. Do your animals sleep with you? Whereas telling someone not to have their critters sleep with them, is good advice, it often causes them to shoot daggers at you. Solutions? Make sure the bed is large enough to accommodate all of you. Or, get them separate bed. Make sure the room temperature cool enough to handle the additional body heat. Wash the bed linen frequently on hot, to kill dust mites and get rid of the dander.
9. Can't sleep WITHOUT the TV? (sure you can, you just trained yourself not to) Then use a sleep timer. Set it for no longer than 30 minutes. During dreaming, your sleep is lighter. It is easier to awaken from noise and the commercials are purposely louder to get your attention.
10. Turn off the computer. Even if you aren't using it, the blue power light can keep you up. Turn off your cell phone. Too often there is someone who will call you or text message you at 3am. IF you have to leave it on for emergencies, MAKE SURE everyone understands NOT to call you after your bedtime unless absolutely necessary.
11. Keep a nightlight on the the bathroom. Turning on the bedroom light or even the bathroom light, can cause you not to be able to fall back asleep.
12. Gone are the days of carrying your own pillows on the plane. Bring your PILLOWCASE as a comforting reminder of home.

Your turn! Send us your favorite sleeps tips!
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1 comment:

Joanna Campbell Slan said...


This is a great list of tips. Really super. Thanks so much