Sunday, August 17, 2008

Does drinking coffee do this to you?

I Have Friends (Hello Nancy!) that keeps Starbucks in the black and Juan Valdez with his rich Columbian beans in a 401 K. And they NEVER look like this! This is an actual photo of me at noon after working my night shift in the Sleep Lab. That 12 o'clock sun can be murder on the eyes, to a night owl like me! It is light that sets our circadian rhythm and lets us know when it is appropriate to go to the bank or post office (10pm is a no-no, the alarm system frowns on you pressing your face against the glass) and it's the absence of light that produces melatonin that signals us to sleep, hence my candid photo.

Decreases in melatonin production has non funny side effects, such as increasing the risk of breast cancer, by % 50 in women who are late shift workers. Article after article tells us to get 8 hours of sleep AT NIGHT, but what if you can't? Here are some suggestions if you have to sleep during the day-

  1. Keep the room as dark as possible. Obvious, but sometimes overlooked.

  2. Keep it as cool as possible. Remember, temperature and light are the 2 things that induce sleep

  3. Remind everyone to only call if it's an emergency! I turn the house phone off in the bedroom and keep my cell next to the bed. I have family and friends who are very considerate of this, so I am lucky.

  4. Have a little something in your stomach. You'd be surprised how often hunger can wake you up. And I'm NOT talking platters of Taco Bell here, no matter how much I love the stuff! Half a peanut butter sandwich, some eggs, turkey...a little protein goes a long way although a lot of people recommend complex carbs.

  5. White noise is a must. I have 2 fans going and that seems to block out any street or neighborhood noise. I have a lot of patients who bring in white noise machines to the sleep lab.
Unfortunately, I am now so conditioned to fall asleep when I hear a box fan running, I am a danger to myself in the fan aisle of Wal-Mart!
No matter what time of day OR night is your usual sleep routine, keep these tips in mind to get the best sleep that you can.
Sweet Dreams- Jane SleepCompass.Com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Number 4 and number 5 are a must for me. I always eat a little something before bed and the fan is going all night long including during winter months!