Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Riding The NightWave...

So you've been surfing the Internet for hours and suddenly, you realize-"I HAVE TO GET UP IN THE MORNING!" Which means-"I HAVE TO GET SOME SLEEP!" How do you calm a mind racing with thoughts?
Catch a 'NIGHTWAVE!' There are so many good things about this gadget, let's use bullet points!

  • it's so small, it fits in the palm of your hand!
  • it only has 1 button, no fumbling for controls
  • it has more than one mode for sleep

But don't take only my word on it, listen to what our friend Milton, who is a retired RN, has to say-
"I received the NightWave from a friend and I have been using it for just over week. I have had great difficulty in falling asleep - busy mind, etc. But with NightWave, after a seven minute session, it is uncanny - now I fall asleep as soon as the light goes off. Incredible device and invaluable to me. I will recommend it to others, Thank you. Milton."

The holidays are coming, remember the people on your lists who have everything BUT a good night's sleep!

Image of NightWave Sleep Assistant in a man's hand

NightWave Sleep Assistant sits on your bedstand and guides you in a special pre-sleep relaxation session in the privacy of your own bedroom. It is the first sleep-assisting device that silently helps the user adjust his or her breathing rhythm to a pattern that delivers relaxation and ultimately natural rest and recuperation. How it works : NightWave Sleep Assistant projects a soft blue light into your darkened bedroom. The soft "luminance" of the light slowly rises and falls. Lie with eyes open and synchronize your breathing with the blue wave as its movement becomes slower and slower. After a short time, you roll over and fall asleep and NightWave Sleep Assistant shuts off. And best of all, the soft light does not disturb others.

Sweet Dreams, SleepCompass JANE

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